March 26, 2024
Florida Insurance GroupWho Decides How Much My Property Is Worth?
“Who decides how much my property is worth and how do they do it?” When it comes to protecting our assets, insurance plays a pivotal role. Whether it’s your home, car or personal belongings, having the right insurance coverage is essential for financial security. However, determining the value of your property for insurance purposes can […]
January 25, 2024
Florida Insurance GroupFactors Affecting Auto Policy Rate Increases
Recognizing the factors influencing your auto insurance cost can be vital to understanding your policy rates. At Florida Insurance Group, located in Orlando, Florida, we have the insights to help you comprehend these variables. We provide access to instant car insurance quotes online. Understanding What Influences Your Auto Insurance Rates Auto insurance rates aren’t static—they […]
December 29, 2023
Florida Insurance GroupThe Importance of Ensuring You Have Proper Insurance Coverage on Your Auto Policy
Auto insurance can provide a financial safety net after a car accident or damage-causing incident. Working closely with an experienced agent to tailor your car insurance coverage to meet your needs and get favorable rates is crucial. Is Auto Insurance Required in Florida? Florida’s laws mandate minimum dollar amounts of specific types of car insurance […]
October 19, 2023
Florida Insurance GroupUnderstanding Homeowners and Renters Insurance and When You Might Need Them
Whether you own or rent your home, financially securing it should be a top priority. Houses, apartments, condominiums and other residential arrangements can all provide essential safety, security and stability in our daily lives. However, homeowners and renters insurance can be complicated and nuanced subjects, meaning that you must fully understand your circumstances and coverage […]
September 12, 2023
Florida Insurance GroupIs Wind Insurance Required in Florida?
Wind insurance is critical to homeownership in regions prone to high winds and severe weather events. This specialized form of insurance provides financial protection against the potentially devastating consequences of wind-related damage. Understanding wind insurance and its coverage is crucial for homeowners to safeguard their property and financial well-being in the face of nature’s powerful […]
July 13, 2023
Florida Insurance GroupHow Does Hurricane Insurance Work?
Hurricanes are among the most damaging natural disasters that may threaten your home. These severe storms can include violent winds and torrential rainfall capable of inflicting devastating property damage and catastrophic financial losses. What’s more, hurricanes and their related damages may not be covered by a standard homeowners policy. Given the potential ramifications of these […]
December 14, 2022
AgencyChoose the Right Insurance for Your Law Firm
Working in the legal system means dealing with large volumes of personal information – personal information that your clients trust you to protect. Lawyers deal with very specific risks on the job, so they require very specific insurance to handle that. With the right business insurance in Orlando, FL, you can ensure that your firm is […]
December 14, 2022
AgencyThe Benefits of Diminishing Deductible for Safe Drivers
Paying for car insurance can be a drain on your wallet, even if you have a good driving record. Luckily, there are a few different ways that insurance companies can reward safe drivers. Many companies have save driving discounts, but some also offer diminishing deductible policies. What is a Deductible? Your deductible is the amount […]
December 14, 2022
AgencyWhat Factors Influence Life Insurance Costs?
Getting life insurance can be a time-consuming process that requires both care and consideration. With numerous policies on the market, you’ll want to make sure you choose one that works best for you in terms of coverage and price. However, your life insurer will need to assess how much risk you pose to them before […]
December 14, 2022
AgencyShopping for Auto Rates
Your vehicle is a significant and expensive investment, which is why it is important to consider all your options when it comes to auto insurance. Learning how auto insurance rates are determined can help you understand your needs and find a plan that’s right for you. Here are a few factors that impact auto insurance rates: […]