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Home » Hurricane Preparation in Florida
junio 27, 2024
Florida Insurance Group

Hurricane Preparation in Florida

leafless tree on brown field under purple sky symbolizing hurricane preparationThe annual Atlantic hurricane season is upon us, and Florida homeowners and families must once again take steps to protect themselves financially from the potential damage caused by these severe storms.

In recent years, hurricane landings along the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast have wreaked havoc at a record scale, including several of the most costly natural disasters in U.S. history.

With this in mind, understanding and implementing appropriate precautions should be a top priority for those in such areas.

Key Steps for Hurricane Preparation

The potentially catastrophic conditions of hurricanes can have devastating consequences for your family, home and financial interests.

The powerful winds and heavy rainfall of a hurricane may quickly overwhelm your home’s defenses and public infrastructure, potentially leading to significant damage and subsequent losses.

Fortunately, you can at least take steps to fortify your property, reduce the chance of injuries and potentially limit damages by implementing the following strategies:

  1. Stay informed. Check the weather forecast regularly to stay apprised of any threatening conditions. Take time to understand various hurricane-related terminology (e.g., hurricane watch, hurricane warning and flash flood warning) and comply with any evacuation orders or other guidance issued by authorities.
  2. Identify evacuation routes. Floods and felled trees may damage or block roads, requiring you to plan multiple ways to reach shelters or rendezvous points should you need to abandon your home. Ensure all household members are familiar with these routes and eventual destinations.
  3. Install physical protection. Attaching storm shutters to your home can help protect windows and doors, and limit damage from hail and heavy winds. Additionally, you may consider upgrading your roof to better withstand severe weather and trimming any trees on your property to limit the chances of a broken branch falling on your home.
  4. Prepare emergency supplies. Whether you need to shelter in your home to ride out a storm or are ordered to evacuate, having supplies packed and ready ahead of time can be critical. These emergency kits include drinking water, nonperishable food, flashlights, radios, extra batteries, and essential medical supplies (e.g., a first-aid kit and prescription drugs).
  5. Assess insurance. Regardless of preparations, hurricanes may inevitably inflict significant damage on your home. In the wake of these storms, adequate insurance can play a critical role in helping you recoup losses and limit out-of-pocket costs. Contact your insurance agent to discuss your coverage needs and ensure your policy is suitable. Floods and windstorms may often be excluded from standard homeowners insurance policies.

We’re Here to Help

At the Florida Insurance Group, we have over 20 years of experience serving the Orlando area and will work with you to assess and address your hurricane-related coverage needs. Contact us today to get started.


This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information. 


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